Do you know what is worse than trying to squeeze into a pair of jeans that seemed to fit perfectly a couple months ago? Nothing, absolutely nothing!
Ok, I may be a little dramatic, because there are definitely things I can think of, which are significantly worse. However, at that moment it is so deflating when you can’t seem to zipper your jeans, AND when you finally squeeze that zipper closed it doesn’t even feel like an accomplishment, in fact you just feel defeated.
If you’re like me, you tell yourself you won’t eat anything for the rest of the day, as if we’ll shed 5 lbs. instantly, and no less than an hour later you are gorging yourself with something sweet, then something salty, and then something sweet again. I know I shouldn’t, but why can’t I stop eating all those foods I know I shouldn’t be eating and quite frankly make me feel awful when I do?
Well, unfortunately as you enter perimenopause and menopause, your estrogen levels start to fluctuate and eventually they will start to decline. Which means your hormones can make you hungry, really hungry! Along with that you may not be sleeping well, feeling bored because you no longer have all the kid’s activities to keep you busy, or your emotions could be getting the best of you, which has you turning to food for comfort. Unfortunately, this comfort is very short lived and comes with a lot of regrets after.
Regardless of the why, I am happy to share there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and if you commit to these 5 easy steps, you will be zipping up those jeans in no time!
Be mindful of why you are eating
Do you know how many calories you are eating in a day and how nutritious those foods are for you? It is easy to snack throughout the day, but I can guarantee you if you aren’t keeping track of the little snacks you are eating throughout the day, you are eating a lot more calories than you realize.
Prior to putting a cheetoh or any other snack food in your mouth you should ask yourself, why am I eating this? Am I hungry, am I bored, am I tired, or do I just want it because I know it tastes good and gives me the comfort I need for the moment.
It is fine if you are occasionally eating snacks, but if you find you are consistently snacking for any reason other than being hungry, then start identifying what those reasons are so you can fill in those gaps with something more fulfilling. For instance, if you find you are continuously eating when you are bored, go for a walk, call a friend or relative you haven’t talked to for a while, or identify a new hobby which can lessen the boredom.
Just remember the cheetoh may taste good initially, but shortly after you eat it you will regret it. So next time, stop, think, and reconsider how you will feel 15 minutes after you eat it. There will still be times when you say, “screw it”, and will go ahead and eat it, but with a strategy in place it will lessen those instances.
If you want to Start Tracking
The best way to know how much you are eating in a day is to start tracking. I know it may sound tedious at times, but there are so many options out there to start tracking your food which can make things easy for you.
Now prior to tracking your food, you should get a sense of how many calories you should be eating in a day. There are many nutritionists out there who can help you to customize a plan, or you can find base information using this calculator which allows you to enter in some simple information like age, height, weight, and activity level and it will calculate it for you.
Another tool I use faithfully is MyFitnessPal. I love this option because I have the app on my phone, which means I can easily track my food on the go, my macros (carbs, protein, and fat), as well as my nutrient values. It also links to my Garmin, so I can track the calories I burned from exercise too. This app is free, so why not take advantage of it.
I am a big believer of “you can’t fix a problem unless you know it exists”, and tracking will definitely help you spotlight if you have a problem. The good part is once you start tracking it will become much easier to know how much food you should be eating in a day and eventually it will become second nature to you.
Resistance Training is key
I will admit, I have been a cardio junkie almost my whole life. For too long I was held hostage to those cardio workouts that burned the most calories, and I would not stop until I hit the magic number I was looking for. So many people have told me throughout the years I should incorporate Resistance Training into my routine, but I knew better. Well, I am willing to admit when I am wrong, which is why Resistance Training is now part of my weekly routine and a must for me.
Now I am still a big fan of cardio, mainly because it has its benefits as well, but as we age Resistance Training is key to helping us lose fat instead of muscle. As we age, specifically after our fifties, we start to lose muscle and resistance training helps us to replenish muscle, improve bone density, prevent injuries, and BURN calories in the process. Plus, since muscle burns more calories than fat, even at rest, we should take advantage of our muscle and let it do a little work for a change!
I would highly suggest consulting with a doctor prior to starting any new Resistance or Exercise program, especially if you have medical conditions needing to be considered. Once you get their approval, then I would encourage you to invest in a personal trainer who can help you establish a plan to reach your goals. There are many gyms which offer a few sessions with a personal trainer for free, once you join, to help you get acclimated to their equipment.
If you can’t afford or have access to a Personal trainer you can find numerous trainers on YouTube or other social media outlets to keep a consistent program in place. (Stay tuned for a future post where I will highlight some of my favorites)
Now I won’t go as far as saying, “I love resistance training”, because it is hard. What I will say is that once I started doing it regularly, I feel better, walking and other exercise seems easier to do, and my muffin top has started to dwindle.
Resistance Training will pay off if you do it consistently, and normal everyday activities will become easier too.
Is that even food that you are eating?
I have listened to numerous nutritionists, healthcare professionals, and health enthusiasts as of late, and sometimes it’s hard to find common ground. They debate on diets such as Keto, Vegan, Low Carb, and Mediterranean, with numerous arguments and viewpoints on each. However, one thing which is consistent across all parties is to eat Real Food or as close to its natural state as possible.
There really doesn’t seem to be an argument that real food is better than processed food. But processed food tastes so good, which is why we can’t stop eating it. I will let you in on a little secret, the manufacturers of these products planned this purposely to keep us addicted so we will keep buying. Why do I believe their secret moto is “let the rich get richer and the fat get fatter!”
No more! We should be eating more real or whole foods and I promise if you do, you will feel better in the process. Here are some examples of real food-Fruits, vegetables, legumes, eggs, meat and dairy. Also, if you want to read more on this topic and get a broader list, check out this website for more information.
Lastly, although processed food provides us with an instant gratification, the truth is our bodies don’t thank us afterwards for eating it. I have been trying to stay consistent with eating Real Food as much as possible, significantly cutting back on processed and high sugar foods. Since it is now the holiday season, and my Christmas cookies are quite scrumptious, I decided to let loose a little bit. I was absolutely shocked how bad I felt after splurging on all the processed and sugary treats I haven’t eaten in some time. I felt bloated, my joints were achy, I lacked energy, I had a very low tolerance, and just lacked motivation in general. Another words, not good!
Of course, when you are eating processed food consistently, you don’t realize how bad you actually feel until you stop and reintroduce it again. But I promise you this is an experiment worth trying, and if you do, it may be the motivation you need to eat real!
Let’s go, it’s time to move
If we reflect on how much we sit during the day, I think most would agree it is too much. Have you ever sat in a car for a long drive, over an hour or two, and then stopped to take a break? Your body feels achy and is definitely telling you to “not do that again”. Our bodies are meant to move and quite honestly our bodies feel better when we move them consistently.
So, what does that actually mean? It means making sure you are consistently moving, walking, dancing or doing something similar periodically throughout the day so your body thanks you later for it. If you are someone who forgets to move around once you get your day started, then set an hourly timer as reminder to prompt you.
Personally, I wear a Garmin each day, which is what I use to keep track of my steps on a daily basis. If this is the route you want to take, then count your steps initially so you are aware of what your baseline is. Once you have your base, you can build from there. The CDC recommends 10,000 steps daily, but you may fall short of that initially. If you do, simply start with your baseline and slowly increase your steps weekly, and you will get there in no time. Just beginning is a huge accomplishment!
Here is the best part about this tip! Moving daily doesn’t involve equipment, shopping, or a trainer to get started. In fact, this is something you can start now, so get up and start moving! Your body will thank you for it.
Losing weight after fifty is not complicated, but it is hard and does take commitment. We should be focused on losing fat and gaining muscle, and not just simply losing weight. If you follow these 5 steps, you will be well on your way! The important part is you realize how much better you will feel once you get started, and you are not alone in this journey. If you think about it, there is nothing more important than your health, and there is no time like the present to invest in you!
Let me know if this post motivated you to start moving? If it did, how do you feel?